The protagonist in K B Venu's 'August Club' is Savithri (Rima Kallingal), a regular at the 'August Club', where she meets other chess players in combat, and reads out her poems at the Poetry Evenings. She has a doting family that comprises of her husband Nandan (Murali Gopy) and two kids. When a young man Shishir (Praveen) makes an appearance at the Club, Savithri finds her champion throne challenged and herself miserably seduced by his charms. The tremendous attraction that Savitri feels towards Shishir appears to be more cerebral initially. She is repeatedly made to give in before him, as he beats her time and again in games of chess. It takes a while for Savitri to realize that her subjugation and defeat have more to do with the repressed desires of her mind than her intellectual prowess.