Based on a short story Railway Aunty by Mohan Sikka, B.A. Pass revolves around Mukesh's (Shadab kamal) life which goes through a series of murky ups and downs till it comes crashing down. Having lost his parents Mukesh is left at his uncle's mercy. He receives hostility from his uncle's family for whom he is an added liability. In such conditions he comes across Sarika (Shilpa Shukla) who seduces him at first, teaches him the art of giving carnal pleasure and then supplies him to many urbane unsatisfied women who require such carnal escapades. However, her secretive plans come to a grinding halt when both Mukesh and she get caught by her husband Ashok (Rajesh Sharma) who uses his repute and might to foil their business. How Mukesh's dire needs for money to support his two sisters make him take extreme step is what follows through the rest of the plot.
Filmmaker Ajay Bahl relies heavily on shock value and hence right from the startling seduction sequences of Sarika to the gigolo angle, all of it demands your undivided attention. The film takes off brilliantly, the premise is quickly set and within no time this short 101 minute film gets into the crux of the story.
However, in a bid to put across his story, Bahl somehow just brushes upon many issues, for example, the hollow lives of urbane housewives. Morevoer, while the first half comes across as completely gritty, the second takes turn and gets into the filmy zone with the predictable twist of Mukesh's chess playing friend Johny.
The film excels for some of the stupendous performances. Specially from the lead protagonists, Shilpa Shukla and Shadab Kamal. Shukla who had proved her mettle in her debut film Chak De! India itself outshines all her previous performances by executing some of the most explicit scenes that this film required with utmost easy and confidence.