This year has been very fruitful for Bollywood’s very own Blair Waldorf, Sonam Kapoor. Not only did she appear in two movies, she managed to get accolades for her performances. Though Ranjhanaa wasn’t a commercial success, Sonam’s character as Zoya was widely appreciated and then there was Bhaag Milkh Bhaag where her role didn’t have much screen space but the movie was a huge success. So it’s been pretty eventful for her so far. Now if rumours, sources and reports are to be believed, this hottie has very recently auditioned for the fifth installment of Pirates of the Caribbean. Following her daddy’s step, this actress would like to explore her opportunities and foray into Hollywood. The auditions were held at a studio in Andheri and apparently Sonam performed well. A source says, “Sonam breezed through the auditions. The outcome is awaited,”. That’s not it. She also had a video conference with the representative from the makers of the movie, Walt Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer. The movie is expected to go on the floors in 2015. What role will Sonam be portraying if she gets selected? Whatever the role maybe, if she gets selected, this would indeed be a great opportunity.