Vimala Raman is all set to make her debut in Bollywood. According to reports, Vimala will be seen in glamorous roles. The actress was referred as a bad omen in the South Film Industry. Now she is foraying into B'Town to try her luck. Vimala Raman will make her debut opposite Govinda in Afra Tafri. Suniel Shetty, Yuvika Chaudhary and Arya Babbar are the other cast in the film. The movie is directed by Haadi Abrar. Mumbai Mirror is another movie signed by the actress in Bollywood. Directed by Ankush Bhatt, the movie also has Sachiin J Joshi, Prakash Raj, Gihana Khan, Aditya Pancholi, Mahesh Manjrekar, Raja Bherwani and Prashant Narayanan in the cast. Mumbai Mirror is said to be a crime thriller which shows conflict between powerful, corrupt dance bar owners and the Mumbai police. Vimala Raman has acted in almost all South Indian languages. In Mollywood, Vimala Raman has acted in College Kumaran (Mohanlal), Nasrani (Mammootty), Romeo (Dileep), Alice In Wonderland ( Jayaram) and Time (Suresh Gopi), but her roles in these movies went unnoticed. Now we have to wait and watch what Bollywood has in store for her.